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Collins Consulting enters partnership with leading medical device OEM to deliver industrial strategy and execution support.


Scale of the engagement is reaching from operations excellence through smart factory to organisational transformation in the production & logistics and interfacing areas.



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We are happy to announce the arrival of our new Advisor, Dr. Stefan Schaper.


We are delighted to announce that Dr. Stefan Schaper joins Collins Consulting as Advisor. Stefan's experience in the innovation management arena and intimate knowledge of the Pharma and MedTech industries is an important asset that will further increase our ability to provide our customers with skills and capabilities to succeed in their Digitalisation initiatives. 



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 On 8th January about 20 Systems Engineers from more than 10 industrial companies gathered in Technopark Zürich to discuss how Digital Engineering is in everyday use compatible with MBSE, a leading systems engineering principle.


Not surprisingly the answer is positive, but there are many details to be aware of if one wants to achieve real value.



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Collins Consulting GmbH

Bahnhofstrasse 9
6340 Baar
+41 41 501 43 73

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