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Revolutionizing Organizational Change Management: University research group, supported by Collins Consulting, unveils an AI-Powered Future in Business Process Change Management

Groundbreaking advancements in ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT enablement was revealed by the research team under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Katalin Ternai, of the Corvinus University of Budapest. The multi-functional team has developed a revolutionary proof of concept for an AI-ASSISTED TOOL ECOSYSTEM promising MORE EFFICIENT ANALYSIS of change and TAILOR MADE ACTION-RECOMMENDATIONS for the change manager. The unveiling took place at the annual Computer Science Conference held on November 11 & 12th in Pecs, Hungary, earning widespread acclaim from the scientific community.

In collaboration with three senior academic scientists and generously sponsored by Collins Consulting, both financially and with invaluable practice-related contributions, the research aims to achieve Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3 for its proof of concept. This milestone represents a significant leap towards a practical change management support tool. The focus lies in leveraging only native information sources and formats readily available to businesses, such as business process maps and industry standards in PDF format. The objective is clear: to provide organisational change practitioners with an intuitive and user-friendly change analysis and recommendations tool.

The developed tool ecosystem supports two primary change intents: process improvement and process compliance, both aligned with industry standards. The foundation for comparison rests on these respective industry standards. The research's standout contribution is the creation of the change manager's report, offering user-friendly analyses and actionable recommendations for effective change management.

However, the proof of concept did not come without its challenges. Issues such as identifying and extracting process steps and attributes from relatively short text bodies, addressing semantics in the ontology, and determining an architecture model that supports both change scenarios required thoughtful consideration.

To overcome these challenges, the team, led by key presenter Domonkos Gaspar, extended the research beyond its local scope. They repurposed and customized a BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (BPM) conversion tool for processing ontology. Additionally, under the guidance of Dr. Katalin Ternai, they developed a natural language processing (nlp)-based ai algorithm to discern process steps, their sequence, and attributes. The AI model underwent rigorous training and refinement to minimize noise in the results, marking substantial advancements in the research.

This innovative approach holds promise not only for its contributions to academia but also for its potential real-world impact. As businesses grapple with the complexities of CHANGE MANAGEMENT, the AI-assisted tool ecosystem presents a beacon of hope, offering practical solutions and insights. The collaboration with senior academic scientists and the substantial financial and practice-related contributions from Collins Consulting underscore the credibility and real-world applicability of this transformative research.

“ The research team's strides in AI-assisted ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT tools signify a paradigm shift in how businesses approach and navigate change. The journey from conceptualization to overcoming intricate challenges exemplifies the resilience and innovation embedded in this transformative research. It’s a pleasure to be industry partner of the research, and an incredible learning curve for us at Collins Consulting, from which our customers can profit directly. ” emphasizes Domonkos Gaspar, our Managing Partner  


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